there are seven days until i back to taiwan. i won't imagine how i miss taiwan before i came here. homesick, i have laughed at that, and i got it now. i miss my family, my friends, and even the garbage food in taiwan. the very first thing after getting off the flight is to give my mom a hug, oh, and i will get a cup of bubble milk tea. two months, is the longest period i have leave my home. when i was in school, i always go home once two weeks. i have a lot of plane this week. i hope this seven days could be impressive.
- Aug 16 Tue 2005 02:37
- Jul 30 Sat 2005 09:36
i finish my class yesterday, and we hold a farewell party. it's really incredible that people from different countries can get alone well. different culture, different character, but the mini union has friendship, too. shame to mention, we have some alcoholes, i found i can't be drunk even i have three cups of beer. it's really a problem, i already have the tolerance to alcohole, in this way, it's hard to be drunk, it means i need to pay more for alcoholes. it's all mitchell's fault. haha, maybe it's my fault, i shouldn't drink so much during last semester. in philly, under 21 can't drink. but they can drive above 16, strange law.
- Jul 17 Sun 2005 11:27
this is my first time to watch a live musical. it's really very fine. but i have watched A DREAM LIKE A DREAM, it's comparately not amazing to me. and the other reason is i can't thoughoutly understand what are they talking about. especially the accent of imagrants, poto rica, they pronounced ''t'' as ''d''. and i think they use many slung, i could't get them. THE WEST SIDE STORY is a sorrowful story, the modern romeo and julet, just occurring in the downtown of new york. between two group of boys, shark and jet. it also point out the imagrant's feeling, my favorite song-- america, describing the imagrant's situation. living in the crowded room, they still want to stay, for washing machine. it recall me that if i want to stay in the u.s. , i'll be in the same situation. i can't suffer, tolerate, but i wanna stay here. it's controvertic.
- Jul 10 Sun 2005 10:39
i love NY
NEW YORK, is really fantastic, splender, spectaculer. i hope i can use all great adjactives as much as possible to describe it. we got ROCKFELLER CENTER at 10 am, then took subway to WHITE HALL ST. watch the STATUE OF LIBERTY cross the river, it's so small. i think it doesn't matter for us, but is meaningful for those who eager of democracy. next, we had GYNO for lunch, headed for CITY HALL, it's not a big deal, too. TIME SQUARE, is just a intersection. but there are a lot of shops, ROXY, GAP, SEPHERO, etc. i want to buy a perfume for mom, but i can't decide which one is better. finally, we got the DISNEY STORE, i spent much of time there, and did many shopping. it's really a wonderland for kids, so do i. i got mad to see those mechandise, asking the sellman to give me basket. and can't stop switching products. i bought many candy, for my cousins. and a pizza cut for aunt, she's happy at it. slipper, is so cute, i will wear it tomorrow. i also bought a mug, with MICKEY'S pants. and a necklace. it's so lucky to follow jiae, who studied in new york last winter. she can recognize the complecated system of new york subway. new yorker seem like being proud of their subway, they sell the bag with subway map everywhere. i swear, i will study in the u.s. after graduation from medical school. i love america, i love new york. 5TH AVE. i will back.
- Jul 06 Wed 2005 10:09
july 4th, americans are proud of their country, patriotic, just like what we discussed in the class. i was astonished whole night. it's america. people got high and danced madly, ELTON JOHN play a very well concert. i don't know, maybe i will be his fan. he's gay, it must be. no wonder he's so hot for many years, he really an amazing person. not voice but skill in playing piano are excellent. fine. than, the fire work shock me again, they just play and no matter how much it coast. yeah, it's america, too. in taiwan, it's impossible to have so much fire work at one time. and i wonder, Na is for yellow, Se is for red, Bi is for green, and what are for purple and blue. and how can they transfer the color? these really puzzled me for a while.
- Jul 04 Mon 2005 11:04
july 3, today i went to sheila's house to have dinner. most of the classmates went there and we ate B.B.Q, i found that students from taiwan always gather and talk in chinese. the same situation in the groups of korean, spanish. it's not good for our abilities of english, but inevitable. that's why i don't want to join them. many of them are similar to me, only talked with non-asian. but in fact, indonisian's english is better than me. i admire thoese westerners, they don't speak english, but it's easier for them to pronounce english letters. so does j.c., his toung sounds good. maybe i can't be that foever, it must grow up in the english-speaking coutries. and i found my english is still poor, especially when i talke with blonds, it make me nervous. aunt told me that i can take part in the summer session next year, to get credit in the u. penn, and transfer it back to taiwan, it's accectable. i really consider about it, but it's up to my parents.
- Jul 04 Mon 2005 10:39
live 8
oh my god, you won't believe that i took part in the live 8 concert!!!
- Jun 29 Wed 2005 02:16
today is the first day in philli. i slept for half of a day. my uncle and j.c. are very nice, and we ate pizza for lunch. the weather is pretty comfortble here, not too hot. we are going to play tennis later in the afternoon. my mom called me early and worried about me, but i told her "that's ok, i can take care of myself, i'm a grownup now." it's exciting to take the u peen's lecture. july forth is independent day, elton john will hold a concert in philli. it's lucky to come here in this week. american concern of privacy much, and that's fine. i like my aunt's house, a lot of milky white, comfortable.