there are seven days until i back to taiwan. i won't imagine how i miss taiwan before i came here. homesick, i have laughed at that, and i got it now. i miss my family, my friends, and even the garbage food in taiwan. the very first thing after getting off the flight is to give my mom a hug, oh, and i will get a  cup of bubble milk tea.  two months, is the longest period i have leave my home. when i was in school, i always go home once two weeks. i have a lot of plane this week. i hope this seven days could be impressive.

u penn: to tour around the campus i have stayed for a month. and i will remember the every building in my mind. the campus is very poemlike, and i wish to study here( medicine school?).

king of prussia: the biggist mall in east coast, i will visit it again to buy stuff in my list.

metropolitan museum of art: one of the finest musums in the world, i have done a lot of homework about it. i can find the " young woman with a water pitche" on my own. although it's a pity that i can't see the " maiden with a pearl earing".


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