i finish my class yesterday, and we hold a farewell party. it's really incredible that people from different countries can get alone well. different culture, different character, but the mini union has friendship, too. shame to mention, we have some alcoholes, i found i can't be drunk even i have three cups of beer. it's really a problem, i already have the tolerance to alcohole, in this way, it's hard to be drunk, it means i need to pay more for alcoholes. it's all mitchell's fault. haha, maybe it's my fault, i shouldn't drink so much during last semester.  in philly, under 21 can't drink. but they can drive above 16, strange law.  

  i don't know how much progress i made this month, but one thing can be sure is i have confidence to speak out. no matter well or poor, just speak out, people will get it. and the other thing i learn this month is independence. now, i can ask direction by my own, i can do a survey by my own, i can find the bio-medical libary by my own, everthing is not a big deal as if you speak out. courage is the most important thing. i'm glad that many poeple complement on my accent.


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