july 3, today i went to sheila's house to have dinner. most of the classmates went there and we ate B.B.Q, i found that students from taiwan always gather and talk in chinese. the same situation in the groups of korean, spanish. it's not good for our abilities of english, but inevitable. that's why i don't want to join them.  many of them are similar to me, only talked with non-asian. but in fact, indonisian's english is better than me. i admire thoese westerners, they don't speak english, but it's easier for them to pronounce english letters. so does j.c., his toung sounds good. maybe i can't be that foever, it must grow up in the english-speaking coutries. and i found my english is still poor, especially when i talke with blonds, it make me nervous. aunt told me that i can take part in the summer session next year, to get credit in the u. penn, and transfer it back to taiwan, it's accectable. i really consider about it, but it's up to my parents.

i finish THE GODFATHER today, it's really a good movie. i love it, and i will buy the series, i swear. AL PACINO, i love you. the scene that he danced with his first wife just display in my brain over and over.  the CORELEON family, uh, i can't get rid of it from my heart. i told to my italian classmate, but she just smiled. maybe she thought it's an insult to mention about mafia. i don't know, just like people always think of kungfu when they meet a chinese. 


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